jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Report about Environmental Issues

The purpose of this report is to inform people about environmental problems in Argentina. In my opinio, there are two main problems: the creek, it is a river set in Buenos Aires wich is the most polluted and the Global Warming. We will analize these problems in this report.
What the porblem is and the effect it is having
The Creek is a stream 64 km east of Argentina, which rises in the province of Buenos Aires and ends at the Rio de la Plata. The Creek is located at the northeast of the Province of Buenos Aires. It is approximately 60 km long and it has an average width of 35 m, covering an area of ​​2200 km 2 to the mouth of the Rio de la Plata.
Meanwhile the concept of global warming can refer to two issues: first, it is a phenomenon observed in the average temperature in recent decades, rising steadily. On the other hand, is a theory wich says that the temperature will continue to grow in the future because of human action. Global warming is usually associated with climate change but it has always existed and is natural. Today is often called climate change to the change that is produced by human action. Furthermore, global warming is associated to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect works in the following way: the sun's lights go through the atmosphere, bouncing against the ground and should go back again through the atmosphere, but greenhouse gases produce a contamination layer which prevents re-rays out, producing a temperature increase in the earth.
The long-term dangers
  • It threats the quality of life and health of people wich live near the river.
  • High levels of pollution.
  • Daily flooding.
Global Warming in Argentina:
  • Huge temperature increases. 
  • 16.119 species will be in danger of extinction
  • Extreme floods
What is being done
Residents of the zone a couple of years ago demanded the State and all the factories wich had contaminated the river. Now factories are working to fix this pollutes river. The problem went on television in CQC and it was made public.
Argentina signed the Kyoto Protocol, the main current global agreement in wich every country wich signed it agrees in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
What needs to be done
In both issues I think goverments should take a great role, if there is someone who con avoid this, the goverment is that person.
For the Global Warming there is a need to reduce pollutant emissions to prevent further heating in an increase. If not reversed the trend, the glaciers could melt, raising the water level in the oceans, flooding many cities and hudnred of problems alike.

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012



The purpose of this report is to inform people about the current facilities the school has and how can we improve them. We made an analysis and ask what did student’s opinion was.

Current Facilities

Currently  the school counts with a rugby field and an athletic track around it. The field is in excellent conditions but the problem is that we do not have the correct material and the space needed. We are twelve years in all the school! There is not enough space with only one field and one track.

 Future Facilities

We all know that the school can not afford many expenses, that is why we do not ask for much. We discuss  a lot about this and we made a list about things we would like the school to add:
·         New rugby fields near the bathrooms.
·         Another athletic track.
·         The needed material to practice essential thing in the sports.

The way forward

We need to know if the school can afford these expenses we demand. If it is not possible we propose two different methods to fix these problems we have. First of all we can make raise funds  from part of the students. If we can’t, there is a chance to make a special event or to throw a party. If none of these things is possible the school can first of all solve the main roblems and then the more expensive.


For making this report we interviewed many students which practice sports at school. As a result of lots of interviews we conclude that most of the students think the problem of the material should be solved first than the other problems and that they agree with the list we made.[O11] 


Thank you for reading this report and we hope we can get to an agreement to fix these problems. We wait anxiously for an answer.

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,
                  Today as every day I'm writing to you. I wish I could describe this strange day, but I just simply can't. Peolple arrived in enormous ships with swords and guns. They started shouting in a strange languaje most of us don't understand. They say they will have India in a month but I just can't understand it. It might be just because I'm a 10 years old little girl? I don't think it is just an adults' problem. The hole city is suffering because of these men. I don't know if this will last for ever, I don't think so. Our army went to fight these strange men my mom calls "monsters". I see them different but, I don't think they aren't human. Our city is suffering because of these strange men and I don't like it. The radio says these people will attack us until they get what they want, the country. As a citizen I would defend it, I would like to fight, but I'm just a girl. I can't fight. I promise I will help in at least one way. Well dear Diary, I'm going to bed. As things are happening, I think tomorrow will be a difficult day.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Todos los soles mienten

   Dentro de este mundo creado por Esteban Valentino , la estrella mas grande de todas, el sol se esta debilitando y pronto hará que la tierra ya no sea habitable es decir, que no habrá mas humanos. Todo está en manos de 12 adolescentes que viven en una sociedad y viven de una forma muy diferente a la nuestra, teniendo en cuenta que el mundo se acabará dentro de un par de días y nada mas. Cazando ratas (gracias al frío que crece cada vez mas) encuentran en una misteriosa cueva una piedra que emite calor. La cueva cuenta con 12 metros cuadrados para que 4 de ellos sobrevivan a esta ola de frío y sean los próximos sobrevivientes de la tierra. Al transcurrir los días la alarma final, la cual anunciará que ya no hay nada mas que hacer, se acerca y estos 12 chicos que solo cuentan con un nombre y su primera letra como apellido, van descubriendo interesantes datos sobre esta curiosa realidad.
   Que nunca hay que juzgar a un libro por su tapa es un método que hay que implementar para leer esta novela. Con una tapa que no llama la atención y un nombre que no dice mucho esta historia tiene mucho que dar. No esperaba mucho cuando empecé a leer este cuento, pero una vez comenzado no se puede dejar de leerlo. Cada página es atrapante, cada párrafo cuenta una nueva historia, es simplemente un libro adictivo. Con giros inesperados por cada sección del libro, se vuelve una magnífica historia. Es una historia llena de acción, romance y suspenso. En mi opinión es una novela que vale la pena leer. Bien escrita, bien dividida (tiene 3 partes que dividen las 155 páginas que conforman esta novela), bien redactada y ideas originales nunca antes vistas. Para mí lo mejor de este libro es la idea de que el mundo se acaba y estos 12 amigos y compañeros tratan de sobrevivir en conjunto, ayudándose entre ellos y sin ninguna pelea ni tipo de discusión con el solo objetivo de vivir un rato más. En fin, lo que rescato de este libro es la amistad y el compromiso que se tienen unos a otros y la idea de que ante el peligro son todos un solo grupo. Me encantó la novela, la recomiendo.